Trezor Model One - Secure Your Digital Currency

Secure your digital currency with the Trezor Model One. Enjoy peace of mind and easy access to your crypto funds

Trezor Model One - Secure Your Digital Currency

Advanced Security

Protect your digital currency with the Trezor Model One. Our device utilizes advanced security features to keep your funds safe from unauthorized access and potential threats.

Offline Storage

With offline storage, the Trezor Model One keeps your private keys offline, away from the reach of hackers and malware. This ensures that your digital currency remains secure, even in the face of cyberattacks.

Secure PIN

Set up a secure PIN to access your Trezor Model One, adding an extra layer of protection to your digital currency. With a unique PIN, only you can access your funds, ensuring peace of mind and security.

Backup and Recovery

Easily backup and recover your digital currency with the Trezor Model One's backup and recovery features. In the event of loss or damage to your device, simply use the recovery seed provided during setup to restore your funds.

User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy a seamless user experience with the Trezor Model One's intuitive interface. Whether you're checking your balances, sending transactions, or managing your portfolio, our device makes it easy and straightforward.


The Trezor Model One is compatible with a wide range of digital currencies, allowing you to securely store multiple assets in one place. From Bitcoin to Litecoin and beyond, our device supports the most popular digital currencies on the market.

Peace of Mind

With the Trezor Model One, you can have peace of mind knowing that your digital currency is secure. Whether you're a long-term investor or an active trader, our device provides the security and peace of mind you need to confidently manage your digital assets.

Last updated